Saturday, September 10, 2011

Monterey Bay Aquarium

We went to the Monterey Bay Aquarium on Tuesday with Aunt Melissa, Sophia, Olivia and Papu. Isaiah loved seeing all the fish, dancing to the music in the aquarium, and touching animals in the touch tank.


  1. What a great experience and a blessing to have such a great aquarium close to home. It looks like Isaiah would've been happy to swim with the fish. No fear there. With his daddy and mommy's genes he's bound to be an explorer.

    We love you guys,
    Mom and dad

  2. Strussis-Timmers! I miss you. Also, I would love to play with Isaiah. Also, did you know that I now live, like, 10 minutes away from the Aquarium? Next time you come down, you should stop at my place for a nap for Isaiah afterwards, and we can swap stories and drink tea.
