Wednesday, May 30, 2012


My helpers are ready to go. They wanted to do everything themselves. Poor Isaiah was having a allergic reaction to something resulting in a puffy face and eyes.
Taking turns stirring the batter.
Isaiah showing us his 'smile' face.
Enjoying a snack while I cook the pancakes.
So proud of the final product.
We made pancakes with Saige yesterday. The kids love to help. It takes quite some time to finish the batter for vegan gluten free pancakes with two little ones, but boy is it fun.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Live Earth Farm

On Saturday we went to a Community Day at the Live Earth Farm (where are CSA is from) with some friends. We picked strawberries and went on a tractor ride for a tour of the farm.

Here are the kids after the tractor ride.

The kids got to harvest carrots during the farm tour.

We picked 12 baskets of strawberries. We made strawberry coconut milk 
ice cream on Monday. It was delicious.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Riding bike

Isaiah's new favorite thing to do is ride his bike at Mission Springs. He is getting pretty good at it and ofcourse loves to ride down any hills he can find.  He looks even cuter with the new helmet we got him.  I'll have to post a picture with it soon.