Wednesday, July 31, 2013

6 Months!

The twins were 6 months last Friday. Both are moving all over the place and getting up on their hands and knees. Luke can sit up pretty well, but Sierra would prefer to be on her stomach moving around (she is very active). Their little personalities are starting to show more and more.

Saturday, July 20, 2013


We had a great time visiting family and friends and introducing the twins to everyone. Some highlights of the trip were watching the cousins play, Isaiah's birthday party (lucky boy got two parties this year), lots of time with Yasue and Bumpa, and Grandpa and Grandma Van Hill's 65th wedding anniversary party.

First thing Isaiah does when he gets to a new place is check out their trucks

Isaiah's first fish

She's on the move (both are now).  They are scooting around the house and even getting up on their hands and knees. We're hoping crawling doesn't happen to soon.

Friday, July 19, 2013

Isaiah's 3!

Isaiah turned 3 the day we flew Michigan. A lady in the airport taught him how to hold up 3 fingers, so we have been seeing that a lot lately. Isaiah is still full of energy and loves to be outside running around and playing with trucks. He is still all about trucks and trains, but loves books and stories too. He talks non stop and has an amazing memory. He loves playing with water, dancing, making up stories, and playing with his siblings. He is a great big brother and loves to help mom. It is so fun to watch him grow and learn.

Flying with twins...

and a 3 year old. What can I say, it was rough. The flight to Michigan went pretty well. Getting through security was actually the easiest part of the day. We could keep the babies in their carriers and there was no issues with the extra milk I brought. The issues started when we got on the plane. We had 3 seats all together (as assigned by the airlines when we told them we had twins traveling in lap), but found out you aren't allowed to have 2 infants in the same row because there are not enough oxygen masks. So Matthew had to move seats and Isaiah and I were stuck in a middle and window seat. Luckily a nice man traveling with his wife and child switched with us so Matthew was close by. Then we had a 2 hour delay in Chicago which almost put us over the edge, but we made it and the kids all did great. The flight home had less surprises, but all 3 kids had colds adding a whole new set of challenges. Glad I won't be getting on an airplane for awhile.
In Chicago airport during 2 hour delay.