Thursday, October 28, 2010


We went to the pumpkin patch today with cousins Olivia and Sophia. Here are a few pictures.

It's not easy to get a photo of all of them, but at least Sophia looks cute.

Isaiah makes a good ghost, especially with that scowl.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Eczema Update

Isaiah's eczema is finally clearing up. He has been using a steroid cream which is not a long term solution, but should help manage the flair ups. Our goal is to prevent the flair ups which may prove difficult since we have no idea what is causing them. The new skin care regime includes daily bath in lukewarm water (no soap or shampoo) followed by a slathering of steroid cream (in areas with a flair up) or petroleum jelly which is supposed to be applied with in 3 minutes of getting him out of the bath. I am getting better at it, but the boy likes to pee when his diaper is off making things a little tricky. Right now we also have to put a warm compress on his head to help with the cradle cap. Here's a picture of him getting his new "treatment." He is still puzzled by the camera and won't smile at it.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


We went to an ACROS (Assoc. of Christian Residential Outdoor Schools) conference this weekend in Oakhurst (close to where Matthew worked this summer). We stayed at a beautiful camp up there with a group of about 35-40 outdoor educators from multiple schools in California. It was a fun weekend.
Isaiah needed a break from the car seat on the car ride home.

Family shot at the camp where we stayed.

Group shot at the conference.

Isaiah's infection is healed, but he has eczema that is pretty bad over a good portion of his body and face. It has drastically improved (with a steroid cream), but we need to figure out what is causing it so it won't continue to flair up. It sound like it can be quite difficult to figure it out, especially since they can not do allergy tests on a child of his age. I have stopped eating soy products and we go to see a dermatologist this week. Hopefully, she will have some good advice for us.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

3 months old!

Can you believe it! Isaiah is 3 months old today. The time seems to be going so fast. We went to the doctors yesterday because his cradle cap looked so bad (this is the 2nd time we went in for it). This doctor thinks it looks infected, so Isaiah had to start some antibiotics. Hopefully it will clear it up fast. He weighted 13lbs 6oz and was 25.5 inches long. So length wise he is almost out of the 3-6 month clothes, but otherwise they are baggy on him. We're hoping is next growth spirt will be in girth instead of height. He is talking and smiling a ton. He loves to talk to the pictures in his favorite book, Squishy Turtle. He holds his head pretty stable and likes to sit up. His favorite things are blankets (loves to play with them and put them in his mouth), lights (he just stares at them), being outside, the ceiling fan (doesn't matter if it is on or off), and being naked. Here are some pictures of him from the last month.

Monday, October 4, 2010

First Vacation

We went to Lake Tahoe for a long weekend (Thurs.-Sun.) with the Strusis family. It's about a 5 hour car ride (@7 with all the stops for Isaiah). He did pretty well in the car, especially if someone rode in the back and played with him. We had a good time at the lake and relaxing at the house. We had beautiful weather the first couple days and even saw a thunder and lightening storm which made Matthew happy.

Olivia and Isaiah hanging out.

Cousins at the lake.
Isaiah thought the water was a little too cold.

Sunset from the house after the thunder and lightening storm.