Friday, May 6, 2011

10 Months

Isaiah is 10 months old today (cousin Olivia turned 1 today). He is going, going, going all day long. He still loves being outside and every morning we have to go outside to "ride" the bike around the yard and go for a wheelbarrow ride. He stood by himself the other day, but doesn't show that much interest in walking. He will walk across the room behind his walking toy, but mostly just to show off (he has to make sure you are watching first). Here are a few pictures of him doing some of his favorite things.

Playing at the Mission Springs playground. He loves to crawl around in the sand
and play with sticks.

Brushing his teeth. He will no longer allow me to help his brush his teeth. He mostly just chews on the toothbrush, but gets really sad when I take it away.

Standing up. He loves to stand up by everything, especially the foot stool
because it rocks back and forth.

TRUCKS! Isaiah loves trucks. He will drive his trucks around the house making "vroom" noises. He also says truck (or his version of it) every time a truck drives by.
His first real word besides 'mama' and 'dada'

Cleaning. Well really just vacuuming or sweeping. He loves them both and insists that you hold him if you are going to do either. He has figured out where we keep the broom and goes and gets it and tires to bring it to us. It is pretty cute.

1 comment:

  1. It's amazing how much he's changed and how much he's learned in 10 months. That little brain absorbs everything. I'm guessing his mommy and daddy have learned some new things too.

    I love the pictures. He is all boy playing in the dirt and with sticks. His cousins, or other kids, better watch out. He could do some damage with that big stick.

    I love his beautiful blue eyes and his smile. I miss him, and both of you, so much and can't wait to visit.

