Sunday, February 6, 2011

7 Months

Isaiah is 7 months old today and full of energy. He is keeping us very busy as he crawls around the house and tries to climb on everything. He is a very curious kid and likes to explore every corner of the house and is fascinated with going up and down the step in our entry way. Here are a few pictures of Isaiah's favorite things...
Climbing on the kindling box. He is very excited that he can get on top of the box, but hasn't mastered getting back down.

Standing up by the kindling box. He is trying to pull up by almost everything now,
but he's not always successful. :)

Going on walks with Mom, Dad and Stella. Isaiah seems happiest outdoors, so we have been taking advantage of the nice weather and going for lots of walks.

Okay, this really isn't one of his favorite things, but I thought it was a cute picture. Isaiah is not so sure he likes the high chair and doesn't care to much for eating solid food, but he loves to play with it.

Riding on his fire truck. Isaiah loves to ride around the house on his truck, a Christmas from my brother Jason and his girl friend Amy. He looks so cute holding onto the handle bars.

1 comment:

  1. What a happy little guy. We love him very very much. Hugs and kisses from Yasue and Bumpa.
